The controllers poke fun at the fact most people are asleep. That’s why the promote the ‘American Dream’ right? Because you have to be asleep in order to have it! And in this dream resides the avarice, blind obedience to authority, and acceptance of authoritarianism. Ultimately, the dream turns nightmare but you’re asleep for so long you don’t recognize the fact. So it just…happens and the sleeping citizen accepts what they’re told even when it doesn’t make sense or is based on pseudoscience: the stuff they’ve been peddling for decades now to sell you your drugs, so-called medications, inverted nutrition, and most likely unnecessary procedures to make you a less better version of yourself. But you get to live, right? Well that is coming into question too as of late.

But I ask, why do they dress some of their messages up in somnolence? The introduction above should answer that for you. They have you all asleep and they symbolize that they have you all asleep. This is why in my other post I demonstrated the use of occultism in conveying a message to you the viewer. They had Trump in a 2012 Serta commercial, right? Again, Serta, sleep, sheep, counting sheep, etc. In that dream-sleep state, they tell you Trump will be your next president, it’s a done deal. Go back and watch the symbolism, what’s said, and ultimately the numbers they stick in front of your face telling you what’s coming.

Lately, they do it again. A nice distraction, Mike Lindell the Pillow dude swoops in, in a proud stance to defend Trump and to prove a stolen election. Remember, we aren’t polarized here politically. I am saying it’s ALL fake!
But what better sleep symbolism again: ‘MY PILLOW.’ Just follow the certitude in his slightly subservient head tilt, white pearlies on display, trying to convey being genuine, you know, to show he’s also one of us, right! on our side! And now fall right back into your dream state on ‘my pillow’ where you think you’re free and you have choices.

By the way, Lindell first made one of his videos ‘Absolute Proof’ about the ‘stolen election’ February 5 or 2/5.

Trump = 25

What I see with the values and numbers here is again a hinting to at least establishing a kind of divisive societal energy. In January I forecasted civil unrest to occur in April. Now I am seeing more to the narrative and Lindell’s ‘plight’ draws a parallel that I am seeing with Floyd’s trial. I concede that Lindell is the surrogate representation of Floyd. Lindell being sacrificed as another cancel-culture victim, and Floyd victim to the ‘racial narrative.’ Chauvin is represented by the pillow. They use Chauvin to fool people; to keep them asleep; to divide them further from reality as one does while sleeping, just as people are to be convinced of some magical pillow that is to help them sleep because the pillow is the end-all-be-all, not your physiology or health. </sarcasm>

And where did the Floyd/Chauvin theater take place? And where is My Pillow buddy from? Minnesota. All served up as distractions for your viewing [dis]pleasure while they poison you and take your liberties! But the Chauvin verdict will be the bone they throw the masses.

In light of this, we can forecast there will be an appeal (as an obvious move) they can utilize to create more unrest; more division.

Michael James Lindell = 112, 77
George Perry Floyd Jr = 112
Chauvin’s appeal = 77

Derek Michael Chauvin = 91
My Pillow = 91
People being fooled = 91
Deception = 91

Distractions = 52
Fool them all = 52
Mike Lindell = 52
Minnesota = 52

Absolute Proof = 186
Sheep asleep = 186, 51
Fooling people = 51